Log Files
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Unity Manual > Advanced > Debugging > Log Files

Log Files

There might be times during the development when you need to obtain information from the logs of the webplayer you've built, your standalone player, the target device or the editor. Usually you need to see these files when you have experienced a problem and you have to know where exactly the problem occurred.

On Mac the webplayer, player and editor logs can be accessed uniformly through the standard Console.app utility.

On Windows the webplayer and editor logs are place in folders there are not shown in the Windows Explorer by default. Please see the Accessing hidden folders page to resolve that situation.


Editor log can be brought up through the Open Editor Log button in Unity's Console window.

Mac OS X~/Library/Logs/Unity/Editor.log
Windows XP *C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity\Editor\Editor.log
Windows Vista/7 *C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor\Editor.log

(*) On Windows the Editor log file is stored in the local application data folder: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\Editor\Editor.log, where LOCALAPPDATA is defined by CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA.


On Mac all the logs can be accessed uniformly through the standard Console.app utility.


Mac OS X~/Library/Logs/Unity/WebPlayer.log
Windows XP *C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\UnityWebPlayer\log\log_UNIQUEID.txt
Windows Vista/7 *C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\UnityWebPlayer\log\log_UNIQUEID.txt
Windows Vista/7 + IE7 + UAC *C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Low\UnityWebPlayer\log\log_UNIQUEID.txt

(*) On Windows the webplayer log is stored in a temporary folder: %TEMP%\UnityWebPlayer\log\log_UNIQUEID.txt, where TEMP is defined by GetTempPath.


Mac OS X~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
Windows *EXECNAME_Data\output_log.txt

(*) EXECNAME_Data is a folder next to the executable with your game.


The device log can be viewed by using the logcat console. Use the adb application found in Android SDK/Tools directory with a trailing logcat parameter:

$ adb logcat

Note: You need to Enable 'logcat' profiler first in the Android per-platform Player Settings.

Page last updated: 2011-01-31